Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer Update

Unfortunately Mark, my husband, and I had a motorcycle accident and required hospital care for several days.  As of yesterday, we are both home and are now continuing our healing there.  We'd like to thank everyone for their concern and prayers!  We already feel the results of all your prayers!!
All summer art classes are canceled until further notice.  Part of the healing will involve my broken right arm which is my drawing arm.
Our family and friends have gathered together to do many things that needed to be taken care of.  Many people have offered to help and I can't tell you in words what that means!  Thank you seems so inadequate.  Please continue your prayers and we'll continue working on healing as we are improving a little bit already!
Be assured that we are being well looked after by the Man Upstairs  :)    and family.  Every need is being taken care of and we know that we only need to ask if we require anything.
You can't get rid of us that easy!!  As Arnold would say....I'll be Back....                 I just dated myself....   :)